Welcome To Trash-Mex!

 How you came across Trash-Mex is beyond me (google mx, maybe Duck-Duck Go?), but welcome! 

Trash-Mex began as "raculfright_13's blogo trasho" or simply "trasho" for people who have referred to the site in comments, tags, kind messages, hate messages, etc. 

The blog/site name changed to "Trash-Mex" in 2020 as to shorten the site's name and give it something much catchier & fun to say. Trash-Mex is a site dedicated to the obscure, forgotten and "trashy" Mexican films of the past. When referred to "trashy", it does not necessarily mean to be a negative word! It just means that some of these films were thrown away and buried, but I, Armando Hernandez is unearthing all these films by writing about them accurately, sometimes humorously and with zero exaggerations & no false information whatsoever. All films I cover are from the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's & early 2000's. Various Theatrical-released titles & Home Video titles (videohomes)!

Based in Pomona, CaliforniaI began writing about these Mexican films about 10 years ago with a growing obsession to find the titles I remembered watching as a child. As I found the ones I remembered, I discovered more amazing & rare titles that for whatever reason were forgotten & disregarded. I also grew fond of the history behind the films with the filmmakers & deal makers. Since then, I been writing about them (with a regretful 2-year absence!) and will continue to whenever I feel the time is up. I'm hoping to compile a book about these films in the near future. 


Email: ArmandoH90 [at]gmail[dot]com

Instagram: @trash_mex_

Facebook: Trash-Mex