Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Empire Of The Damned.

After witnessing the brutal murder of his parents during his first communion—“El Güero” (Humberto Zurita) is still haunted from that day. He remembers his dying father telling him it be strong no matter what and these words he lives by as he goes out & hunts people down he is hired to kill. El Güero has no mercy. Once he finds you, he fucking kills you hard. That’s it. No remorse. No regrets. The perfect hitman. 

When the son of corrupt politician Rutilo Moran (Salvador Sanchez) is brutally killed by a bomb sent by a rival—Rutilo naturally hires El Güero to rid of his enemy & anyone else affiliated with the bombing. After the hit, El Güero becomes very close to Rutilo and learns more about his life which along with politics & prostitution, he also dabbles in black magic. Rutilo gets El Güero involved in it and thus causing him to see his deceased father in eerie visions. Later on, Rutilo begins to have sexual urges for men and in particular for El Güero, but of course he feels it is wrong of him to feel this way. El Güero already fucked up as he is—begins to have sexual relations with Rutilo’s girlfriend & goes much deeper into this dark world that he has gotten himself into!

I say this in almost all of my Christian González reviews and I will say it again now; Christian González once again impresses me with yet another movie of his. Imperio De Los Malditos (aka "The Empire Of The Damned") is an audacious neo-noir with every single character being totally fucked up in some way & of course nothing “good” ever happens through out the entire time. People die brutally, there’s betrayal all around & our main character El Güero is no hero nor a gentlemen. The only time you have any sympathy towards him is when he was a child. Afterwards, he’s an out of control maniac who has peculiar desires and murder is always on his mind. Such a vile character he is. This of course includes the politician Rutilo whom embraces his lifestyle of sin & all-around trashiness. He tells El Güero at a sleazy nightclub: “nacos somos y nacos nos vamos a morir.” In a rough translation: “We’re trash and we will die as trash”

The murders in the movie are of course pretty fucking sadistic and it all begins with the opening scene where an obese narco is getting slapped around by a transvestite hooker and then both of them meet their demise with El Güero’s shotgun. Once El Güero is contracted to kill the politician’s enemy & his affiliates; he begins with the bomber’s daughter by torturing her & all while holding a picture of her deceased mom whom he says he could've fucked. Once the bomber finds his daughter dead, he too is tortured—but this time however it is with bombs set up all around him and El Güero videotapes the entire thing & laughs away!

With the badass acting talents of Humberto Zurita & Salvador Sanchez and the wonderful writing & directing of Christian González—Imperio De Los Malditos is a wonderful, audacious neo-noir that will surely please sick-minded individuals & lovers of vulgarity. Imperios De Los Malditos is a movie that is not appropriate for kids, so please put them to bed and just enjoy it on your own or with a close one that isn’t narrow-minded & sensitive since for the next hour & a half you’re in for a movie filled with a lot of murder & lots of sadism. It won’t disappoint. I promise you this.