Sunday, April 7, 2024

Trash-Mex's contribution to the Indicator Blu-ray release of Santo vs. The Riders of Terror/Los Leprosos y El Sexo.

 Happy to announce that I, Armando Hernandez of Trash-Mex has contributed to the Indicator Blu-ray release of Santo vs. The Riders of Terror/Los Leprosos y El Sexo with a video feature entitled "Cardona Bonanza"


In the feature, you will see me discuss the contribution that legendary Mexican filmmaker Rene Cardona had brought upon to Mexican genre cinema alongside his family. This feature was shot on location at The Frida Cinema.

Be sure to check out this amazing Blu-ray release which is now available to purchase everywhere, but I do recommend purchasing the disc directly from Indicator. 

Many thanks to those who made this possible to happen & especially to UK-based label Indicator for putting out these legendary Mexican genre titles on Blu-ray with much care & dedication.

Purchase the Blu-ray here: