If you follow the Blogo Trasho facebook page and/or my Instagrams (@raculfright_13 @lavenganzadelraculfright13), then you would of saw me early in the morning buying up some Mexican VHS tapes from an awesome man named Juan. I visited him a couple times already and even made videos of the last haul I got and everything was pure gold. Awesome titles & titles I never even heard of. This time around I got not only more amazing tapes, but some posters & loose covers as well! Really cool stuff! Some of these covers were big time upgrades for some of my collection that have inferior quality covers (rips, fadings, tearings, hard shelf wear, etc.). Once I arrived back home, I made a couple videos on my phone of what I got. Hope you enjoy my awkwardness! Also, I'm very much aware that the first video technically contains images of nudity, but don't tell anyone. Okay? Promise? I also say the wrong plot for El Descuartizador. I got it confused with some other movie or something! Oh, well though! Anyway, enjoy the videos!