Thursday, October 31, 2024

Brownsville Terror.

1985 was a significant year in time with so many life-altering moments, memorable music being released, new products being introduced & of course many films being released that would be admired & remembered for years to come. 

1985 introduced us to the favorable drink Cherry Coke and then “New Coke” made its debut and it didn’t last for very long because it fucking sucked. Also in 1985, singer Whitney Houston releases her debut album with much appraisal and her most popular song from the album “Saving My Love For You” was on the Billboard Hot 100 list for a week (at number 1). The iconic video game Super Mario Bros by Nintendo also made its debut in 1985 and everyone either had the game or wanted it badly. A big change in home entertainment happened because of this one video game. 

In regard to films in 1985, films such as Back to the Future, Teen Wolf, Invasion USA, Demons & Silver Bullet graced the big screens. In Mexican cinema, Mexican films were now in “decline”, the quality of said films weren’t good enough anymore, but those making them didn’t give up and particularly the Galindo filmmaking dynasty were still actively working on making them. After finishing up film school in UCLA, director Ruben Galindo Jr was contracted by his father to make a horror film in the vein of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and this leads to one of the most admired Mexican horror films of the 1980’s being made—Cementerio Del Terror ("Cemetery of Terror")

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Trash-Mex Podcast episode 3 "Stuck in Hell's Trap" is now streaming! Also featured in "Punk Vacation": An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast!

 The Trash-Mex Podcast is now on to episode 3 and this episode entitled "Stuck In Hell's Trap" is all about Hell's Trap (Trampa Infernal) (1989) and with special guest Michael Aguirre of See It on 16mm. Stream the podcast on any streaming platform you prefer.

The Trash-Mex Podcast was invited to be part of the latest episode of "Punk Vacation": An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast. Me and co-host/producer Joey Diaz discuss with host Chris Haskell the Mexican films released on Blu-ray's and other Vinegar Syndrome releases. The Punk Vacation podcast is available to stream on any podcast platform you desire.